Yep....base is bout all i know right now....But i guess thats the name of the game this time of year....This is the first year i have done a true base phase, and I have learned that there is a huge differance between strengh and fitness. I think I am getting stronger then ever, yet i am probably way less fit then i was this time last year. I have tried my best to stay under control and not go hard, and I can really tell this has worked because I did a group ride over the weekend, and it sucked!!! Just standing up over a hill at 400 watts killed me. Yet I think this is a good thing, since I usally have a habit of peaking to early....I'm a beast at endurence and tempo zones, but the second I enter thershold i feel like i only got 1 lung!!! Once again I'm thinking this is a good thing......So the moral of this story is constant group rides (in my un-professional opinion) are totally terrible for base. Because a 3 hour group ride for me avg, less watts then when i ride alone, yet the max in the group ride is way higher. Base isnt going easy, in fact i think that base is not going easy, yet never going hard.....I hope this makes sense to people......