Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Killa Days!

Yea the past 2 days i've logged in a total of 8.5hrs......i'm taking advantage of our week off from school. Today I did a crazy ass ride with fellow teammate and coach, steve. I even wore a helmet in honor of Hutton's scolding in the last post lol! But anyways we rode out to this climb that was hard as hell (try like 15% for the first mile, and it dosent get much easier!) Yet as bad as the climb was, the road up that god-forbidden mountain was worse. So I finally make it to the top of this mountain only to be rewarded by an 8 mile ride on some rancid dirt road. Despite all the bitching and moaning it turned out to be a fun ride. A little over 4hrs. I'm really sore, so i'll probably just take it easy and try to get my legs back under me for the races this weekend. thats all the good i know,


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