Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On the way to the great north

So we've managed to arrive in this forign land called Canada. We are in the capital, which i do beleave is called Ottawah......Its a really badass town, maybe one of the coolest I have been too before...........Needless to say the trip up wasn't without heavy causaulties!!!! We were driving in New York close to the Canadian border when I decided I would drive for a while,,,,,,This led to the unfortunate event of getting a speeding ticket!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep the po po got me........I was giving a ticket for doing 77mph in a 65! Hopefully my racing will be more successful then my driving, 2maro we head out to Abitibi, and friday we race......I hope to keep my millions of fans updated but considering that i will be somewhere similer to Alaska i can't make any promises.


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