Monday, July 2, 2007

Longsjo stages 3 and 4.

Stage 3
I started this stage with mixed feelings. I'm not by any means a "climber" but I have been working very hard on climbing lately. On the second to last climb, I was in the lead group of 5 over it. We were caught by the field shortly there after, but I thought no big deal since I just stuck with the leaders on that climb, doing it again on the final climb would be no problem. was a problem. I have no clue why I cracked so bad, but anyways, I limited my losses to 58 seconds. I fell to 11th overall, which was very disappointing because I really wanted to finish top 10.
Stage 4
I was out of the top ten by 9 seconds. They're was a ten second time bonus for the winner of the stage. So all I had to do was win the stage. It was a longshot, considering that this was the biggest junior stage race in the country. Well the race was fast.....29mph avg.....I played it smart, conserving my energy all race. With 5 laps to go the guy in 10th place crashed! That was a huge boost of moral, All I had to do was finish, and I would be top 10. So with no pressure on me, I raced on instints. Coming through the last corner I was 3rd wheel. But the guy in front of me dropped his chain. So with 400 meters to go, I launched my sprint. I saw 200 meters to go, and still no one came around me. By the time I saw 100 meters to go, I could here wheels coming from behind me, I crossed the line just in time to hold of the guy in 2nd. I had won! It was the biggest win of my career. Close to 100 kids from around the country come to this race to try to win a stage, and out of all of them I had won a stage!! I still am in shock.....This gives me great moral going into Nats.

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